Snow Queen (Synthyris reniformis)

As the name suggests, this tiny but beautiful wildflower is a herald to the coming Spring. Blooms can often be seen even while there is still snow on the ground. But look closely as they are tiny!

Synthyris reniformis

Snow Queen


  • Basal leaves and weak stems prostrate to ascending flower stalks.

  • Plant lightly covered with soft to shaggy hair.

  • Leaves: heart-shaped shallow lobes with toothed margins.

  • Flowers: in clusters at stem ends; bell-shaped; purple to blue-violet or rarely white.

  • Grows in open conifer forests, at forest edges, grassy places, at low to mid elevations.

  • Rarity: Common

  • Flowering Time: Early Spring

  • Life Cycle: Perennial

  • Height: 2 to 6 inches

  • Habitat: West-Side Forest

  • Native: Yes

Resource: Wildflowers of the Pacific Northwest

Additional Resource: Oregon Flora Project