Learn some fun facts with Silver Falls education-based activities! You can also click on the link for a short article about each topic.
Pacific Yew word search
Names of Silver Falls word search
Animal Tracks at Silver Falls matching activity
Little Brown Bat maze
Do you know the Owls of Silver Falls?
Banana Slug word search
Rufous Hummingbird crossword puzzle
Bloomin’ Wildflower Hunt (seasonal)
Silver Falls Trail BINGO
Yew are the best!
Click here to read an article about how wonderful yew are!
Click HERE for more information about the history of the names of Silver Falls
Click HERE for more information about bats and other hibernating critters at Silver Falls
Click HERE for more information about owls at Silver Falls
Click HERE for more information about our friendly Banana slugs
Click HERE for more fun facts about the feistiest little bird in North America!
A fun game to print and bring on your family visit to Silver Falls!