Oceanspray (Holodiscus discolor)

Showy and dramatic! This lovely shrub is reminiscent of an ocean wave crashing on the rocks.

Holodiscus discolor



  • Shrub with stiff slender stems. Young stems somewhat hairy and reddish, turn gray with age.

  • Leaves: alternate, 1–5 inches long, oval or somewhat triangular, deeply veined; the petiole, or leafstalk, is round with no flat edges.

  • Flowers: Fragrant leafless sprays of white to cream flowers, fading to tan in late summer. Flowers remain on the shrub through most of the winter.

    • Flowers are less than 1/8” in size, each a tiny saucer-shaped cup of 5 petals with hairs on outer surface and hairless on the inside.

  • Grows in rocky open places to moist woods, from sea level to mid-elevations.

  • Rarity: Common

  • Flowering Time: Late Spring, Early Summer

  • Life Cycle: Perennial

  • Height: 4--9 feet

  • Habitat: Coastal, Meadow, West-Side Forest, East-Side Forest

  • Found In: Olympic Np, Mt. Rainier Np, N Cascades Np, Wallowas, Steens, Siskiyous, West Gorge

  • Native: Yes

Source: Wildflowers of the Pacific Northwest

Additional Resource: Oregon Flora Project