This low growing ground cover plant is also called Duckfeet because the leaves are shaped like duck’s feet. The tiny flowers are some of the most interesting as they are designed inside-out.
Spreading from underground stems. Long basal stems hold pinnately compound deciduous leaves, with 3 leaflets in each of 2–3 divisions. Leaflets square to heart-shaped, top surface hairless, slightly hairy underneath, stem turning light in color with age. Flower stalk hairless, above leaves, bearing whorls of long-stalked, small, white, nodding flowers. Flowers in parts of 6, petals bent backward, flared out, looking inside out. Grows in deep shade in conifer forests at low to mid-elevations. The taller redwood ivy, V. planipetala, with hairy flower stalks, grows in California, southern Oregon. Siskiyou inside-out flower, V. chrysantha, in the Siskiyou Mountains, has yellow flowers.
Rarity: Locally Common
Flowering Time: Early Summer
Life Cycle: Perennial
Height: 8--16 inches
Habitat: Coastal, West-Side Forest
Found In: West Gorge, Crater Lake Np, Olympic Np, Mt. Rainier Np, N Cascades Np, Siskiyous
Native: Yes
Source: Spreading from underground stems. Long basal stems hold pinnately compound deciduous leaves, with 3 leaflets in each of 2–3 divisions. Leaflets square to heart-shaped, top surface hairless, slightly hairy underneath, stem turning light in color with age. Flower stalk hairless, above leaves, bearing whorls of long-stalked, small, white, nodding flowers. Flowers in parts of 6, petals bent backward, flared out, looking inside out. Grows in deep shade in conifer forests at low to mid-elevations. The taller redwood ivy, V. planipetala, with hairy flower stalks, grows in California, southern Oregon. Siskiyou inside-out flower, V. chrysantha, in the Siskiyou Mountains, has yellow flowers.
Rarity: Locally Common
Flowering Time: Early Summer
Life Cycle: Perennial
Height: 8--16 inches
Habitat: Coastal, West-Side Forest
Found In: West Gorge, Crater Lake Np, Olympic Np, Mt. Rainier Np, N Cascades Np, Siskiyous
Native: Yes
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